If you are interested to buy an object, please contact us and we will direct you to our closest retailer near you or work with you directly. We ship internationally.



Italy:  Milan / Giulio Tanini online

          Milan / Spotti Milan

           Sicily / Mohd online

Scandiano / Radici

Lithuania:  Vilnius / Simetria online

Luxembourg:  Luxembourg / Lucien Schweitzer

Netherlands:  Amsterdam / Edha Interior

Amsterdam / Mobilia

Poland:  Warsaw / Mesmetric Concept Store

Gdańsk / Designzoo

Russia & CIS countries: info.russia@atelierareti.com

Moscow / Pure Design shwroom

                              Moscow / Archive

                              Moscow / Krassky

Switzerland: Zurich / Pure Living

United Kingdom: Edinburgh / Moleta Monro online

                                London / Conran Shop online

                                London / Dodds & Shute

                                London / Monologue  online

                                London / SCP

                                London / Viaduct online

        Nest online

Austria:  Vienna / Behan + Thurm

Belgium:  Antwerp / am designs online

Gent / Clouds online

Czech Republic:  Prague / MONOBRAND

Denmark:  Aarhus C / NØRR & LEO STUDIO

Copenhagen / The Apartment

Estonia: Tallin / Valgustus showroom

France: Paris / Blou concept store Paris showroom

               Paris / Chiara Colombini online

               Paris / Conran Shop Paris online

  Lyon / l’ensemblier

               Marseille / Studio 19

               Marseille / Atelier 159

               Nedgis online

Germany: Berlin / Bazar Noir

                   Berlin / Dopo domani  showroom & online

                   Berlin / Andreas Murkudis  online

                   Hamburg / Lys Vintage

                   Munich / Bens online

Munich / Lichtkarree online

Munich / Stephanie Thatenhorst        

Greece:  Athens / Bombyx



UAE:  Dubai / Designitch

Hong Kong / La Deux

Singapore / Made & Make



Perth / Mobilia



Please contact:  info.us@atelierareti.com